by culasha

I seldom watch B&K for some reasons that concerns work and its 101 pressures, but I managed to catch halfway of the episode as I sneaked out with my loaded desk (yey live with "if there's a will there's a way" thingy) last Thursday which featured ANGEL’s fans day. I always say this with much delight and pleasure indeed to watch anything about ANGEL more so if it’s a special show, a teleserye or even just an ordinary guesting in all the Kapamilya shows (who else yay?) I just can’t imagine what its like to finally get to see her win an award and see her first movie at Star Cinema with no less than Piolo Pascual as her leading man, so it has a november 12 playdate and everyone's so excited to watch it..grabee!

Boy Abunda and Kris Aquino have both expressed their fondness for Angel in a number of ways. I’m also a fan of Kris. She’s really a good host and oh so honest when she said that she may not qualify as MABAIT but can guarantee the public that there’s never a dull moment with her. I’m so amazed that she’s got a lot of stories to tell and she offers a wealth of information on a variety of topics under the sun. But I have once doubted her especially that she’s more close to CB her kumare( ninang of Baby James) and I expect her to take sides, you know they are somewhat on the same wavelength if you know what I mean harhar but I was wrong in judging her as I’ve seen in her gestures how she genuinely likes and touched with ANGEL’s mapitagan and super marespeto attitudes, I was struck with her when she said “matagal na tayong magkakilala and yet you still call me Ms. Kris!!! Kris or Ate Kris will do” followed with her trademark hearty laugh.

Angel at dbuzz promoting LOBO DVDs 1 & 2 when Kris pinched hit for CF who was in Canada that time
One of the reasons why I thought ANGEL got all these thousands upon thousands or millions of followers from all walks of life are a fact that she’s loving, appreciative, sweet, humble and very down-to-earth. Not all celebrities, rich and famous at that can put humility as number one trait in their book, her life is an open book she has lived and lost a love one some few years ago and yet she never indulged in bitterness, she likes to see the good in people and always see the brighter side of things, and gosh no matter how pathetic her former fans are doing to put her down…there really is no other way for her to go than UP...super harsh but that’s the truth…
Can't we blame TRES band if they had to compose a song for her professing their love and admiration for a young woman who’s more than just a pretty face but has a good heart indeed. I believe also that Angel has matured enough in her manner of answering Kris’s inquisitiveness on and off cam, you could feel her sincerity in all her replies in a major way, one thing pa that we all love about her is her love for her family most especially with her DAD, some kind of unconditional, unwavering faith and steadfast hope that soon enough all isn’t loss in her father’s sight, it really is so touching to see a great love of a daughter who would do anything for her father who is the source of her existence. I can’t help myself but shed some tears that went uncontrollably and I was sniffing until the commercial break as I got to reminisce how I missed my very own Tatay so much….yeah like Gel I’m also a tatay’s girl.

I salute all those wonderful friends, the original angel locsin fanclub, angel republic, halu sis yzel & super wolfies hi! ms. kaharian yey who were so lucky to get to be beside our Angel, I guess it was really an unforgettable moment to be there as it would forever be cherished for the rest of our lives, we’re also praying, hoping and keeping our fingers crossed that we would also get to see you as in… all of you in person someday, the idea for now… it seems is quite far-fetch but who knows de baa sa ANGELS nothing really is impossible?!! It would really be one hell of a blast I guess. Love it guys, as I’m super looking forward to it right sis GA?!!

At this point I’d like to let cha all know that I’m quite…(.modesty aside po) overwhelmed with the fact that my ANGELMANIA collection is now on its sixth series, and counting? if I may call it at that…series daw oh ahihihi to give you a quick recap or a roundown here are the complete six titles….can’t give you the links as I’m not that forum/thread savvy/expert,whew
Angelmania I – Angel GLAMS…SHINES…& SIZZLES
(F&H launch as a new image model)
Angelmania II – Angel all the way
Angelmania III – Hey how about this? A loveteam boon or bane?
Angelmania IV – A pocketful of ANGEL
Angelmania V – Can’t get enough of Angel
Angelmania VI – Absolutely ANGEL
Come to think of it, it’s really my passion to write and I’m kinda inspired to share something kaya lang there’s the pressure hehehe sana mapanindigan ko wish me goodluck hehe
Angelmania one was so memorable to me as it marked my super first time ever to see Ms. Angel Locsin in the flesh and i was like stunned for one hour!! i couldn't believe that i was few steps away from in we're breathing the same air!! whoaaa the first thing that my neighbors asked was if Angel was just as gorgeous in answer was that if it was all possible she's even more glowing...radiant and super stunning in the flesh...super kakaiba ang glow nya she's 5'5 plus her four-inch stilletos and her smile...grabee WOW, if you can feel its impact when you watch her on TV, just imagine how mesmerizing it is up close...i'm sure you would all agree with me.
I never realized that I’ve come this far not for anything else but for all of you guys here at AR & wolfies threads I wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart to sis ross for suggesting to put my angelmania stuff at page one….also to sisters GA, jek/new & lhyn for some pm’s regarding the last ditch instruction on how to vote at starmo…love yah talaga, touched ako sobra, kahit napaka cruel ng poll for me, why they wouldn’t allow me to vote for Angel? I’m so down huhuhu well anyways life has really it’s ups and down and like Angel I don’t have the right to feel bitter right guys?

Lemme end this by saying to ANGELS that our trust and loyalty to Angel may be tested and there will be instances when we won't have time to spare for each other but know how blessed we are for the chance to embark on a friendship this means so much to me...kamusta naman ang drama ko today!! SUMESENTI ATA AKO NG BONGANG-BONGA bwahahaha

originally posted in ARep on Aug 31, 2008, 09:43 AM
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