Although I posted the first entry last month, it is only this month that I become active as a blogger. I am new to this thing so I just update the site as and when I find time, which recently became daily. I found also a very good chatmate in the shout box, angeladik, and having fun discussing our POVs about Angel. I have been saving our conversation in Twilight Angels Forum because I am not sure how many messages the shout box will hold. I found that fact last night.
It might be surprising but the shout box received more than 100 posts yesterday so I lost some of the conversation. Any registered member in Twilight Angels Forum can post the conversation there [click here for the thread]. I would really appreciate it if a good Samaritan would find time to do the back up during the day. I don’t have access to the blog from work so I can do the saving only at night when I get home. By the way, I am planning to blog some of my conversation with angeladik because her POVs are too interesting not to be shared.
After almost a month of active blogging, I would say this site is starting to get noticed because I am starting to see our site in Google although that’s not really my objective. The main reason this blog was created is to centrally collect all information about Angel Locsin that I find worth keeping. As an ARep member, I noticed that a lot of good information about Angel is being posted in the thread in PEx but it is difficult to retrieve them because of PEx connectivity issues. I have been trying to improve the labels in classifying the posts for easy retrieval at a later date.
One milestone for this blog is the possibility that Angel Locsin had visited our blog a day before yesterday. Click here for the related story.
Another thing, I created the Twilight Angels channel in youtube this month. The objective for this channel is similar to this blog, which is to consolidate all video clips like fan videos, interviews and shows related to Angel. We are using playlists in grouping the videos for easy retrieval of Angel’s fans. I have been planning to catalog the completed playlists but I need to devote some time for this task.
The third site I created is the Twilight Angels Forum. This is the main reason why I am writing this blog. Hmm, I rambled on and on; and only mentioned the main topic at the middle. A very long introduction, don’t you think?
Anyway, I just want to commemorate the 2nd weeksary of the Twilight Angels Forum from the time I created it. Although I did not blog our 1st weeksary, I posted a summary update in the Twilight Angels Forum [click here to read it]. Let me share also the congratulatory banner created by our artistic twilight angel, rossmyla, She also designed the background of our forum and the forum banner as well as this blog site’s banner. Many thanks kambal!
Credit: rossmyla of Twilight Angels Forum

Also, I created a Twilight Angels Twitter account a few days ago to follow Angel Locsin. I think this is the last account I will be creating [for now lol]. It is fun creating an account but you need time to maintain it.
Lastly, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my co-Twilight Angels of their continued maintenance of the Twilight Angels Forum. Many thanks to these lovely twilight angels: bhez charmz for taking charge, twin nicky, kambal rossmyla, sis faye, sis lie, sis jane, sis jewell and other visitors that check out the forum. Many thanks also to twin nicky for taking charge in continued maintenance of Twilight Angels youtube channel. Many thanks again to sis lie in helping out in updating this blog and sis faye for her updates. I am fortunate to meet these lovely ladies and became their friends. You are truly angels ladies!
you are so sweet sis nicky! so touched pero grabe rin ang hirap mo for all of these... you are behind the success of our thread, blog, youtube account, twitter, etc! hands down me sa'yo :)
thanks so much and hope to meet you in person :)
thanks sis lie ..hope to see you soo muahhhh :)
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